Friday 22 November 2013

Contents page analysis

Vibe Contents page analysis 1

For this contents page they have used a picture of 50 cent for the whole left hand side of the page. He is wearing dark colours to make him stand out against the white background and could also be to show his power over the music industry. 
The writing is in black and uses different sizes for the different parts of writing on the page. The heading is in bold black writing and is bigger than the rest of the writing on the page. By doing this it makes it clear what is going to be shown on this page. Below the heading are the different things that are going to be shown inside the magazine. 
There are numbers which are in red to make it clear to us what is going to be shown on the different pages. Next to these numbers in bold is what is going to be shown in the magazine. Underneath the bold writing is writing that isn't in bold, it gives us a little bit more information about what is going to be on these pages which draws us into reading it even more. It also intrigues the audience because even though it has more information than the bold writing, it still does not give away exactly what we are going to be reading about. 

  Vibe contents page analysis 2

For this contents page Usher has been used for the right hand side of the page. Instead of using lots of different images for the magazine they have only used one picture, this shows that the magazine inside will not be cluttered and crowded, instead it will look more sophisticated to attract the right aged audience. 
Dark colours have been used for the background which makes the magazine look more mysterious and powerful. 
The writing on the left hand side is in white to make it clear for us to read and make it stand out against the dark background. The numbers for the pages next to the writing are in bold black writing which lets us see that there are numbers there, however it does not make them stand out clearly for us to read. 

The writing underneath the subheadings are in white writing, although they are not bold it still lets us see clearly that there is writing there for us to read. These bits of writing show us in a little bit more detail what is going to be on these pages, but is not in too much detail to make us feel like we don't want to read it now. 

 Vibe contents page analysis 3

 For this contents page they have used a 'V' in the background which stands for what the magazine is called. It has been put in grey which makes it stand out from the background, however it does not stand out enough to take the attention away from the writing 'Contents' which has been put in bold and black, it has also been made to look bulky which makes it stand out even more.
 The word 'Contents' has been split into three bits which gives the magazine and the writing more detail and makes it look more interesting. 
Down the right hand side is the writing which shows us what is going to be on the different pages. There is not much writing here which makes the image stand out more. The writing as not been made to stand out too much against the background because the numbers are the only bit of writing in bold. 
This contents has not got a lot on it which makes it look more interesting for us to look at. It also shows that it is not a magazine for young children because if it was there would be bright colours and lots of pictures to keep their attention focused on this magazine. 

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