Friday 6 December 2013

Colour testing

Colour testing 


Black would be used for an RnB magazine because it symbolises power. Most artists in the R&B genre have a lot of power or like to think they do as R&B is a very popular genre of music to listen to. Black also shows that the magazine/ genre is not for younger people to listen to because it can be rude, childrens music magazines would use colours such as bright pink, blue, green and yellow.

Red is used in R&B magazines quite a lot and is associated with strength, power and energy. For the R&B industry artists need to be able to fight to show their music and o be the best artist in that genre. For example Eminem would be represented with red as he has got himself to the top and is known as the world best rapper.

Blue has been used on magazines for R&B as it shows confidence, depth and stability. For a Vibe magazine cover Rihanna was on the front with the colour blue as a background. This shows that she is well known and is stable where she is in the R&B industry, she is also a very confident artist and is not afaid to be different. This shows that artists need to be different and confident to be able to get as well known as Rihanna.

Yellow is associated with wealth, it is used in R&B magazines because most of the artists like to show off their wealth with the things they wear. It could appear on the front cover to highlight different features, for example a yellow heading against a black background would stand out and catch our attention. I will not be using the colour yellow on my front cover as I am not basing my magazine on wealth.

Pink would be used on the front of the magazine if it featured a female artist. It shows the power of a woman and would be used to highlight different parts on the page. It stands out against most colours so therefore makes it stand out and grab our attention. I will not be using pink for my magazine cover because I am not just focusing the magazine on women as i will be including things for men as well. 


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