Monday 16 December 2013

Question analysis

Question analysis

1) What kind of artists would you like to see in this magazine and why?
Rihanna, Drake, Kendrick Lamar, Usher and Eminem because they are their favourite artists and are interested in them.

2) Who would you want to read a double page spread about?
People said they would like to read articles on artists such as Rihanna, Drake, Usher and Kendrick Lamar. This is because these are their favourite artists in the R&B genre.

3) What else would you feature/ want to read in a magazine?
People said that they would like to see competitions included and would also like things that come with the magazine for example testers of products or mp3's.

4) What colour house style would you want to see used in the magazine?
People said they would like to see bold colours because that catches their attention. They also said that bright colours would not attract them to a magazine because they think those colours are used for magazine that are for younger people.

5) Would you like a lot of pictures on the front cover?
Most people wanted a lot of pictures on the front because that is what catches their attention first, they also wanted pictures because they want to see who is going to be included inside the magazine; however, they do want some information on the front instead of having a page of images because they want to know that they will want to read the information inside.

6) How much are you willing to pay for the magazine and why?
The people who answered my questions said that they would pay between £0 and £3, they said this because it is only a magazine and did not want to spend too much money on it.

7) How old are you?
My results showed that most people who answered my questionnaire were between the ages of 16 and 19.  

8) Are you male or female?
There were a mixture of responses for this question as R&B appeals to both genders as there are a variety of male and female artists in this genre.

9) Would you like the context to be technical?
My answers collected showed that most people did want the context to be technical because they wanted the information to be interesting instead of simple and boring.

10) What is your favourite RnB magazine?
People said that their favourite R&B magazines are Vibe and NME. They like these magazines because the information inside is interesting and they like the artists included.

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