Friday 10 January 2014

Font Testing

Font Testing

This font would be used for a music magazine that is very bold and trying to make an impact. It could be used for highlighting certain parts on an R&B cover/ page, for example a heading or subheading. It would not be suitable for a pop magazine or a children’s music magazine as it does not come across as friendly and does not attract a younger audience.

Comic Sans MS
This font could be used for a children’s music magazine or a pop magazine because it is clear to read, looks friendly (because the letters are not sharp) and would attract a younger audience. It would not be suitable for an R&B magazine because R&B is more urban and would have slightly sharper letters.

I do not think that this font is suitable for an R&B music magazine because it is too plain, slick and proper for an R&B magazine. I think that this font would be more suitable for a more classical music magazine instead of an R&B one.

For my R&B magazine I will use a font that is bold and stands out. This is because in the R&B genre you need to be bold and different from everybody else to do well. I do not want the font to have rounded edges like Comic Sans MS because it attracts a younger audience whereas my magazine will be aimed at aged 16+. I also do not want the font to be too bold because I do not want it to look like a rock magazine. 

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