Monday 20 January 2014

Writing copy

Writing copy

How old were you when you had first decided you wanted to be in the music industry/ started singing? 
I have always wanted to be a singer ever since I was little. I used to put on performances for my family and friends most weekends, I only started taking it seriously when I was around 16 though.

Who influenced you the most to take on this type of career?
My family always liked seeing me perform. Even though I probably got on their nerves when I was singing round the house everyday they always came to see me in school concerts. I think they were the people who encouraged me the most.

Are your family supportive of the type of music you have chosen?
They are supportive of me in general and have said that they will support me whatever I choose to do. I think that some songs in the R&B genre can be a bit explicit but i try to stay away from that type of R&B.

Who is the biggest fan of your music that you know?
My mum has always been a fan of my music, I think its because she has seen me growing up and is glad that my music career took off. She never misses one of my concerts and I am always greatful to have her backstage supporting me. 

What music track stands out the most from your current album?
Its hard to choose a single track that stands out to me, I have had fun recording all of my music and even more fun making the videos for each one. They have all made my album a success so I couldn't choose.

How many people have you collaborated with before?
I have collaborated with 4 people before, not too many but enough to make the music on my album different.

Who did you have the most fun with when making a new track?
Again I don't think I could say who I had more fun with whilst making a song, all of the people I have collaborated with has been so fun to work with and all of the songs had a bit of everyones input.

Have you seen them since you made the songs?
I have made the effort to try and stay in touch with all of them as we had so much fun making the songs. I have seen everyone since I have worked with them and am hoping to keep in touch and see them again soon. 

In the music industry who would you most like to collaborate with?
I think I would like to work with Kendrick Lemar because he is going to be a massive star and I love listening to his music. 

Would you say that they are your idol? 
I wouldn't say he is my idol, I admire his music and I think he would be great to work with.

How have you made yourself/ your music different from everybody else?
I havent tried to do anything in particular, I just record the songs I like the most and hope that my fans like them too. People have different taste in music so I try to do a range of songs.

Is this because you want more publicity and number ones than other artists or because this is what you feel comfortable doing?
It is definitely what I feel comfortable doing, I don't try to compete with other artists because we have different music and voices and different ways of expressing our songs.

Out of all of your music videos which one did you have the most fun filming?
That's hard to choose, just like my music I have tried to do a variety of videos to keep my fans interested. I particularly liked the one that I filmed in the bahamas because that whole trip was a new adventure for me. I had never been there before and getting the opportunity to go and shoot a music video there was unreal, its definitely a music video that I will remember.

Would you say this is your favourite video overall?
I think I will remember this video over the others purely because it was a completely new place for me. I had a lot of fun filming it and it was the most exotic place I have ever filmed a video in.

You are in the news a lot recently, how do you cope with this?
I try to stay away from the press as much as possible because I don't like my family or my friends and relationships being effected because of the press and news. My life is my life and I would expect people to be a bit more respectful of that, its not easy having your life published in the news.

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